LAU Alice Ramez Chagoury School of Nursing

Nursing Graduates Achieve 100 Percent Success Rate in Colloquium

All 75 graduates of the Alice Ramez Chagoury School of Nursing (ARCSON) passed the National Examination for Licensure (colloquium) required by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, which qualifies them to practice as registered nurses in Lebanon. Extending their heartfelt congratulations to the stellar cohort, Interim Dean Costantine Daher and Assistant Professor and Director of the Nursing Program Bahia Abdallah, also thanked the “nursing faculty members and staff for their dedication and hard work in supporting the students’ journey.”

The 100 percent pass rate, Dr. Abdallah said, was proof of the graduates’ diligence, commitment, and readiness for the challenging profession. “ARCSON will continue to be a beacon of excellence in the field of nursing education,” she added.